after the realistic oil paintings of the last exhibition uly, showing balefully candied naked women with slimy
iridescent skin and wispy kittens, the tableau is now acceded by large-scale gray-greenish worn-out bodies „with the
complexion of the underbelly of dead fish“, as the artist says himself. coquettishly and out of joint, a rainbow coloured
butt presents itself as a slimy shimmering counterdraft to media role models, and lost diet competitions and neverending
castings. in the paintings it is not the beautiful who dream through the cosmos, but realistic bodies bearing
the marks of life. bodies with all their wrinkles and dimples, their straggly hair and damaged nail polish. the female
protagonists are taken from martin eder‘s oeuvre of nude photography which he has worked on since 2003 as atlas,
diary and documentation. (cf. catalogue: die armen, prestel). their space odyssey takes place – although only in a
small scale - underneath the stars of a solarium‘s wallpaper.
„in the face of man there is an infinite entanglement of dodges and evasions that correspond to the mind‘s traffic on
which everything rests upon. one does not think of ascribing life to the simplicity of the sun, anymore. however,
everyone of us carries this simplicity within himself: he forgets about it to the benefit of an entanglement in accidental
events which are dependent from the tight-fisted anxiousness of the self.“
georges bataille, the misfortunes of the present time (1940), in: guilty, paris 1961 (first published).
2014 more here ...
2013 more here ...
2012 see pictures below
2011 more here ...
2010 more here ...
2009 more here ...
2008 more here ...
2007 more here ...
2006 more here ...
2005 more here ...
2004 more here ...
2003 more here ...
asymmetry, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
auferstehung / resurrection, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
bauchgefühl / gutfeeling, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
festung / fortress, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 244 cm
genesung / recovery, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
glück / luck, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
haltestelle / station, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
keim / seed, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
pilgerin / pilgrim, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
solarium, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 224 cm
träumerei / daydream, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
wiederkehr / return, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm
zärtlichkeit / tenderness, oil on canvas, 187 cm x 147 cm